Empowering young voices at European Youth Event 2023: a transformative experience for Young European Ambassadors
July 20, 2023

Empowering young voices at European Youth Event 2023: a transformative experience for Young European Ambassadors

Author: YEA from Belarus

As a Young European Ambassador (YEA), I recently had the opportunity to participate in the European Youth Event (EYE) 2023 held in Strasbourg, France on 9-10 June. It was my first international event since I’ve been a member of the network, so I was excited to attend it and learn from it more than ever! This gathering of passionate young minds from across Europe and the world has left an indelible impact on my journey as a YEA, leading me to reflect on my experience, outcomes, and the valuable knowledge that I gained during the event.

A Platform for Dialogue and Exchange:

EYE 2023 worked as an exceptional platform for meaningful exchanges and open dialogue among young people. It was a great experience that fostered a sense of unity, breaking down barriers and transcending borders. Connecting with other YEAs and engaging in discussions on various topics such as democracy, sustainability, social inclusion, partnership, and others enabled us to broaden our perspectives and embrace diversity.

Exploring the Power of Youth Engagement:

The event highlighted the power of youth engagement in shaping policies and driving positive change in the society. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and inspiring speeches on panel discussions, we discovered the role that young people play in shaping the future of Europe. We were encouraged to voice our opinions and share our ideas. It was very empowering to realise that our voices mattered, and that we have the possibility to influence decision-making at both national and European levels, because we are the future of Europe.

Building Networks and Strengthening Partnerships:

As EYE 2023 gathers thousands of people (8,500 this year!), it provided a perfect setting for building networks. Meeting young leaders, activists, content creators, and just enthusiastic youngsters from diverse backgrounds offered an opportunity to exchange experiences and establish valuable connections. Collaborating with other YEAs, we discussed strategies to address common challenges faced by our respective countries. We organized a quiz, “Welcome to the EU’s Neighbourhood: A quiz by youth for youth”, where we had a chance to enlighten young people from different countries about the partnership of the EU with its Eastern and Southern neighborhoods, and the countries of the Western Balkan. 

Acquiring Valuable Knowledge:

Participating in EYE 2023 has broadened my understanding of the European Union, its values, and its ongoing initiatives. These issues, even though they were always present in my life, used to seem complicated and unclear in practice. However, I got a chance to gain valuable insights into various topics that are shaping the future of Europe. This experience has provided me with the knowledge and tools needed to advocate for positive change in my community and beyond! 

Inspiration to Drive Change:

Last but not least, EYE 2023 left me feeling inspired and motivated to drive change in my role as a Young European Ambassador. Witnessing the enthusiasm and dedication of fellow young people has strengthened my belief in the power of collective action. I can definitely say that now I am more determined than ever to take action, raise awareness about European values, and promote partnership ideas. 

Attending the European Youth Event has been a transformative experience that has deepened my understanding of the European Union and its values. The event has served as a catalyst for dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing among young Europeans. As a YEA, I am grateful for the connections I have made and the knowledge I have gained. I am excited to bring these experiences back to my community, to inspire my peers, and to work towards a more inclusive and prosperous Europe. Together, we will continue to shape our common future. Together, we are stronger! #StrongerTogether 

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