Syuzi Tadevosyan

Syuzi Tadevosyan

  • Country of origin: Armenia
  • Current residence: Armenia

Syuzi is a devoted advocate for sustainable tourism and human rights and an alumna of Yerevan State University, where she graduated with a focus on Service and Sustainable Tourism. Furthering her commitment to social justice, she pursued a Master’s degree in Human Rights and Democratisation at the Global Campus of Human Rights, including a transformative semester at Київський національний університет iменi Тараса Шевченка (Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko). With nearly five years of experience as a youth worker, she played a pivotal role in community mobilisation during her tenure at UNDP Armenia. Actively engaged in Erasmus+ projects, her dedication extends to fostering positive change and promoting a more equitable society.

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