Pari Abbasli

Pari Abbasli

  • Country of origin: Azerbaijan
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Czech Republic

Pari is a journalist based in Prague known for her work as a podcast host, art and journalism blogger. She has been featured in media platforms such as “Əkinçi” (Akinchi), Femmekan, Trilogy News, Facemark, Çağdaşçılar (Chaghdashchilar) and has contributed to the Radio of Baku State University. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Journalism, Media, and Globalization at Aarhus University and the Danish School of Media and Journalism in Denmark, as well as at Charles University in Czech Republic, as an Erasmus Mundus scholarship recipient. Pari is not only passionate about journalism, but also dedicates her blogs to exploring academic articles and theories in the field of media and art. She is still exploring new ideas, spheres and characteristics of journalism and media. In addition to her academic pursuits, Pari is deeply engaged in gender issues in her country. Whether through creating insightful podcasts on gender-related topics or serving as the Executive Management Assistant at the Sevil International Women’s Documentary Film Festival, she actively contributes to the discourse surrounding gender equality and empowerment.

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