Nadea Revenco

Nadea Revenco

  • Country of origin: Moldova
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Moldova

Nadea demonstrates a passion for making things happen. She identifies herself as an activist with an enthusiastic and motivated nature, dedicated to creating conditions for development, cooperation, and sustainability. Nadea is a student at “Mihail Sadoveanu” High School in the town of Călărași, Moldova and she also explores her artistic side at the “George Enescu” School of Arts. She enjoys exact sciences, participating in debates, and playing intellectual games, but what really excites her is putting things in order and sharing with the world, for example, the importance of European values. She firmly believes that change starts with every individual. Therefore, the Young European Ambassadors’ initiative is the perfect opportunity to follow her passion and contribute to the improvement in her local community.

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