Mykhailo Ichko

Mykhailo Ichko

  • Country of origin: Ukraine
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Georgia

Mykhailo is an International Baccalaureate student at the International School of Georgia “New School” funded by the Eastern Partnership European School Scholarship Programme. He is a resident of the “hero city” of Kharkiv, and from the beginning of the full-scale war, he took an active part in helping Kharkiv residents in CO CF “Phoenix Sunrise”. Mykhailo is also the founder of the EDican Youth Educational Volunteer Project, a member of the Kharkiv Youth Council in the International Cooperation and Tourism Commission, and a speaker for various educational webinars. He is also an actor of the Народний театр-студія “Чудеса в Решеті” (People’s Theatre-Studio). Mykhailo is very friendly, social, and a person who always finds solutions to challenging situations.

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