Murad Ibrahimov

Murad Ibrahimov

  • Country of origin: Azerbaijan
  • Current residence: Azerbaijan

Murad is studying Information Technology as part of a dual diploma program offered by Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti (Baku Engineering University) and 인하대학교 (Inha University) of South Korea. Beyond his expertise in engineering, consulting, and research, Murad actively engages in the public sector. His diverse activities include winning hackathons, excelling in global programming competitions, and co-founding intramural clubs. Additionally, he has initiated startups in demining, education, and the gaming sector, with plans to expand and globalise these ventures. Murad is fluent in 4 languages – Azerbaijani, English, Turkish and Korean. He has vast experience with local youth organisations as well as youth volunteer movements. Murad serves as a Sustainable Development Goals supporter and has organised numerous events with a focus on this topic, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports. 

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