Khanim Guliyeva

Khanim Guliyeva

  • Country of origin: Azerbaijan
  • Current residence: Azerbaijan

Khanim is studying in the Faculty of Law at Bakı Dövlət Universiteti (Baku State University) and is passionate about the practical side of the law. She has gained valuable experience working in various district courts and law firms and is an active member of the National Assembly of Youth Organisations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA) Law Committee. Khanim also served as the Director for Institutional Visits for the Seminars and Conferences team of ELSA Azerbaijan for one year. Her hands-on approach to learning has provided her with practical insights into how the law works in the real world, which has added a practical edge to her academic journey. Khanim recognises the energy and potential of young people and aspires to pursue a Master’s degree abroad to further hone her expertise. She believes that personal growth, along with nurturing the development of fellow young minds, plays a crucial role in making positive global strides. For Khanim, this shared progress not only fuels individual dreams but also contributes significantly to making society better worldwide.  

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