Gunay Abbasova

Gunay Abbasova

  • Country of origin: Azerbaijan
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Azerbaijan

Gunay is studying Law in the SABAH groups at Bakı Dövlət Universiteti (Baku State University). She actively engages in social activities and conducts academic research. Gunay is currently employed as a content creator for a local project called “ProDemos—For the People”, which aims to educate the public about the law. She works as a legal research specialist for Foreign Educated Lawyers’ Association (FELAS), a non-governmental organisation made up of lawyers with foreign educations, to improve her critical thinking and research skills. Author of over 15 creative legal blogs, Gunay never ceases to astound everyone around her by having a positive impact. She believes that all people have the right to live in a society that is democratic, peaceful, tolerant, and committed to human rights. Her professional interests include EU integration, development and public policy, climate change, equality, and the rule of law, while her personal interests include criminal law, legislation, history, the arts, and youth activism. Criminal law is her main research field, which boosted her love for this subject and encouraged Gunay to write a book in this field of law. Realising the role of non-formal education in the development of a worldview, she aims to create opportunities for young people of the same age to expand their horizons. For this reason, Gunay is excited to perform her role as a Young European Ambassador and is looking forward to promoting human rights, freedoms, and EU values among young people.

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