Diana Ghukasyan

Diana Ghukasyan

  • Country of origin: Armenia
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Armenia

Diana is a distinguished professional in the world of winemaking, holding both Bachelor and Master’s degrees in the field. Her academic journey has been enriched by a valuable international experience through the Erasmus+ exchange program in Germany, where she immersed herself in the intricacies of winemaking and embraced diverse perspectives within the industry. Dedicated to making a positive impact, Diana volunteered extensively during her studies, enhancing her community engagement skills. Diana’s passion for wine extends beyond the academic realm, as evidenced by her active participation in the Best Sommelier of Armenia Contest. Currently, Diana is a proud member of the Sommelier Association in Armenia, where she continues to contribute her knowledge and enthusiasm, further enhancing the appreciation and understanding of wine in her community.

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