Dato Dolaberidze

Dato Dolaberidze

  • Country of origin: Georgia
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Georgia

Dato holds a Bachelor degree in Political Science from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University where he has also worked as a field researcher, and is currently pursuing further studies at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. He serves as an intern at the Georgian Institute of Politics (GIP), a prominent think tank. He also has diverse experiences working with USAID projects, Transparency International Georgia, IDFI, and ‘I Fact.’ As a co-founder of a student initiative and non-governmental organisation, the “School of Political Education,” Dato is actively involved in promoting political education among students, and is a certified teacher of Citizenship Education. His research interests span political identity, memory politics, geopolitics, and the Europeanisation of Georgia.

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