Claudia Hernández Moliner

Claudia Hernández Moliner

  • Country of origin: EU
  • Current residence: Spain

Claudia is a student of Sociology and Political Science at the University of Valencia, as well as studying classical music at a conservatory. She advocates for the importance of historical memory in her country, and therefore participated in a project of the Ministry of Social Rights called “Ruta al Exilio” (Route to Exile), which seeks to bring teenagers between 16 and 17 years old closer to the story of the Spanish Civil War. Above all, she is passionate about reading, nature and art, but she also has a strong vocation for youth associationism. Since she participated in an Advocacy training at the Spanish Youth Council, she has discovered that young people are a fundamental tool for change in today’s society and because of that wants to specialise in the relations between governmental entities and the youth.

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