Aytaj Huseynli

Aytaj Huseynli

  • Country of origin: Azerbaijan
  • Occupation: Young professional
  • Current residence: Azerbaijan

Aytaj is studying for a Master of Arts in International Affairs and Diplomacy at “ADA” Universiteti (“ADA” University) with a Graduate Assistantship while working as a Specialist in the Media and Communications Department of the university. She holds a Bachelor degree in the Public Affairs program of the same university and has also participated in an exchange program in Romania for a year, funded by the Erasmus+ Scholarship. She has had internships in several organizations, including the Cabinet of Ministers and the Embassy of Azerbaijan to Romania. Being a volunteer during the Ukraine-Russia conflict, Aytaj contributed to Azerbaijanis’ evacuations through Romania. Engaging actively in university life, she served as a Student Government Senator, hosted high-level events, and participated in diverse activities like poetry, music, and theater. Aytaj currently leads the External Affairs Department at the ADAMUN (ADA Model United Nations) Club.

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