Anita Katsarava

Anita Katsarava

  • Country of origin: Georgia
  • Occupation: Student
  • Current residence: Georgia

Anita is studying for a Bachelor degree in International Relations at Ilia State University. She is passionate about developing her country and enabling it to become politically strong and economically healthy. In 2022 she became the finalist of the Future Leaders Exchage (FLEX) program and went to study in the United States for a year. Anita is an ambassador of various different organisations, and she has been a leader of a variety of independent projects. She was invited to represent Georgia at the Global Youth Tourism Summit with other government officials and delegates from over 70 countries. She endeavours to pursue a career with which she will have the possibility to communicate with different people from a variety of professional fields.

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This website is managed by the EU-funded Regional Communication Programme for the Eastern Neighbourhood ('EU NEIGHBOURS east’), which complements and supports the communication of the Delegations of the European Union in the Eastern partner countries, and works under the guidance of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, and the European External Action Service. EU NEIGHBOURS east is implemented by a GOPA PACE-led consortium. It is part of the larger Neighbourhood Communication Programme (2020-2024) for the EU's Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood, which also includes 'EU NEIGHBOURS south’ project that runs the EU Neighbours portal.

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