YEAs support Azerbaijani Youth NGOs to organizs Quality Learning Mobility projects.
August 3, 2020

YEAs support Azerbaijani Youth NGOs to organizs Quality Learning Mobility projects.

On the 3rd of August, the Young European Ambassadors Network held a webinar for the Youth NGOs on the topic of Quality in Learning Mobility. The purpose of the event was to provide representatives of youth organizations and NGOs, as well as interested individuals with two tools to improve the quality of training exchange projects and boost cooperation between the Azerbaijani and European Youth organizations.
“Handbook on Quality in Learning Mobility” and “Q! App” were presented during the webinar. More than 90 youth organizations representatives and youth activists registered for the webinar.
Young European Ambassador Nurlan Suleymanov led the presentation by raising the awareness of 30 participants about the usage and benefits of the handbook and the online platform. The presentation was followed by an active discussion among participants and the host. It should be noted that the “Handbook on Quality in Learning Mobility” platform is introduced by Youth Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of Youth.


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