YEAs in Moldova: More EU in Moldova ‘EU Ambassador to Moldova Master Class for YEAs in Moldova’
September 11, 2023

YEAs in Moldova: More EU in Moldova ‘EU Ambassador to Moldova Master Class for YEAs in Moldova’

On 19 July, a significant event took place at the EU Delegation Residence in Moldova, featuring the European Union Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, the EU Delegation staff, and the Young European Ambassadors (YEAs).

Event Location: The event was hosted at the EU Delegation Residence in Moldova.

Results Achieved:

  • Deepened Partnership Understanding: Attendees had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into EU-Moldova cooperation, which led to a deeper understanding of the collaboration’s mutual benefits.
  • Enriched Knowledge Base: Participants, including the YEAs, expanded their knowledge of EU-Moldova relations. This knowledge enrichment empowered them to make more informed contributions to ongoing initiatives and discussions.
  • Empowered YEAs: The Young European Ambassadors, in particular, gained significant insights during this event. These insights further empowered them in their roles as promoters of EU-Moldova ties, allowing them to better communicate the importance and benefits of this partnership to their communities.

Target Audience: The primary target audience for this event was the Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) in Moldova.

Face-to-Face Communication Reach: The event facilitated direct face-to-face communication and interaction among 20 attendees.

Social Media Reach: The event had a substantial online presence, reaching a broad audience with over 3000 individuals engaging with the content through social media.

YEAs Involved: A total of 20 Young European Ambassadors from Moldova actively participated in this activity, demonstrating their commitment to promoting EU-Moldova ties.

Collaboration: The event was organized in cooperation with the EU Delegation in Moldova (EUD MD), showcasing the partnership between the YEAs and the EU institutions.

This event played a crucial role in strengthening the understanding of EU-Moldova cooperation among the YEAs and other participants. It empowered the YEAs to play an even more active role in promoting and advocating for the partnership’s benefits in Moldova. Furthermore, its significant social media reach helped raise awareness beyond the event attendees, contributing to a broader understanding of EU-Moldova relations.


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