YEAs in Ukraine: Lead your life! Masterclass for girls in leadership
March 18, 2022

YEAs in Ukraine: Lead your life! Masterclass for girls in leadership

On 20 January 2022, in partnership with the NGO ‘Women’s League’, the YEAs delivered a masterclass for girls aged 13-18 years old ‘Lead your life!’. It aimed to create an informal platform for the participants to learn more about different ways of self-development using non-formal education tools. YEAs presented the ‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’ programme and the ‘Young European Ambassadors’ initiative. Also, the YEAs shared information about Erasmus+ youth exchanges, Eastern Partnership European School, EuroClubs, EU Study Days, and ‘EuroQuiz’.

The objectives of the event were to promote the EU’s support to Ukrainians by sharing information about the opportunities created by the EU for Ukrainian youth, to encourage young girls to develop an interest in participating in the EU-funded projects and programmes, to raise awareness about the ‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’ programme and the ‘Young European Ambassadors’ initiative. More than 115 people participated in the masterclass.


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