EuroClub Kvareli One Year Down the Road: Where Next?
November 6, 2020

EuroClub Kvareli One Year Down the Road: Where Next?

On November 6 2020 EuroClub Kvareli celebrated its one year anniversary. To mark the day YEAs organised an online conference “EuroClub Kvareli One Year Down the Road: Where Next?”. The speakers included officials from DG Near, the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia, several EU Ambassadors, strategic communication experts, local supporters of the EuroClub and YEAs in Georgia. The founder YEA of EuroClub Kvareli, Nika Gurini, presented a short summary of achievements and the speakers highlighted the importance of youth-led initiatives that positively affect local population and once again confirmed their support to EuroClub.

Watch the conference here:


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