Евробарометр: европейцы поддерживают военную и гуманитарную помощь Украине и санкции против России
12 июля, 2023

Евробарометр: европейцы поддерживают военную и гуманитарную помощь Украине и санкции против России

The latest Standard Eurobarometer survey, conducted in June 2023 and published on 10 July,  shows that EU citizens continue to widely approve of the measures taken by the EU to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. 

The survey shows that 88% of EU citizens are in favour of providing humanitarian support to people affected by the war, 86% are in favour of welcoming people fleeing the war into the EU, 75% approve the financial support to Ukraine and 72% back the economic sanctions on the Russian government, companies, and individuals.

In addition, 66% agree with banning state-owned media, such as Sputnik and Russia Today, from broadcasting in the EU, 64% support financing the purchase and supply of military equipment to Ukraine and 64% also agree with the EU granting candidate status to Ukraine, as a potential member of the EU.

All in all, 56% of the respondents are satisfied with the EU’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and 54% are satisfied with the response of their national government. EU citizens also support stronger EU defence cooperation (80%) and increased defence spending (66%).

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