Social Entrepreneurship and Enhanced Development-based Skills - SEEDS- in Georgia and Ukraine

This project aims at placing Social Entrepreneurship at the core of an integrated State. This means working with a civil society organisation (CSO) response framework to systemically promote the inclusion of disadvantaged youth and contribute poverty reduction in Georgia and Ukraine following a Go Green and Go Digital agenda.
The project enhances entrepreneurial and career management opportunities for disadvantaged youth, through the establishment of innovative incubators in partnership with the partner organisations. This contributes to poverty reduction in Georgia and early recover in Ukraine.
Building on evidence and lessons from the first phase of the EU4Youth initiative (December 2018 to September 2021), the project collaborated with organizations in Georgia and Ukraine to test innovative skill development programs for vulnerable youth who are not in education, employment, or training (NEETs). Additionally, the project aligns with the upcoming World Bank-UNHCR initiative called Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) in Georgia (starting January 2023), which supports the most vulnerable populations in escaping poverty through long-term, multifaceted interventions.
A key focus of the project is to replicate Estonia's Social Entrepreneurship model and engage with the private sector through innovative incubators to address structural gaps by strategically promoting social entrepreneurship. The initiative outlines clear objectives and outputs, involving co-applicants from Ukraine, Georgia, and Estonia to achieve its overarching goal.
Конкретные цели
Specific objective 1: To create an institutionalised competence framework at state level in Georgia to position with participation of CSOs Social Entrepreneurship at the center of youth inclusion and career management policy in Georgia. It is anticipated to be replicated in Ukraine in support of its recovery efforts.

Specific objective 2: To pilot an innovative social entrepreneurship incubator model and career management paradigm in the green and digital economy in Georgia, on the basis of one newly defined competence framework. It would serve as a foundation for the adoption of more integrated youth entrepreneurship trajectories in Georgia and Ukraine.
Ожидаемые результаты
• Estonian best practices in social entrepreneurship and career management are shared with Georgian stakeholders to promote the better inclusion of disadvantaged youth.
• Tools and methods are developed for online and in-person social entrepreneurship courses in Georgia, based on Estonia's model. The goal is to align with Georgia's adoption of the World Bank's Ultra Poor Graduation in 2023, with potential replication in Ukraine.
• One innovative Go Green and Go Digital Social Entrepreneurship Incubator model is developed and rolled out in Georgia, with coaching and mentoring from Estonian partners.
• Georgian stakeholders have organized events to share knowledge and support Ukraine in its recovery through innovative models of social entrepreneurship and career management.
• Up to three regional incubators are created to promote social entrepreneurship in both countries and support youth-led startups with a focus on "Go Green" and "Go Digital" concepts.
• Skilled youth leaders in Georgia have started social enterprises (SEs), gained recognition through partnerships with the public and private sectors, and created job opportunities for disadvantaged youth affected by conflict in various regions.
• Existing youth-led social enterprises are supported in Ukraine under early recovery efforts to further address community needs.
• Career management skills of young students in Georgia's regions are enhanced through collaboration with state institutions, with the aim of sharing these skills with Ukraine.
Карта проекта
Приоритетное направление:
Бизнес, Цифровизация, Образование, Навыки, Молодежь
Страны Восточного партнерства:
Грузия, Украина
Статус проекта:
Дата начала проекта:
Дата окончания проекта:
Социальные сети:

Номер проекта ЕС:

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