EU4Digital Facility

The EU4Digital Facility aims to extend the European Union’s Digital Single Market to the Eastern Partner states, developing the potential of the digital economy and society, in order to bring economic growth, generate more jobs, improve people’s lives and help businesses. Through the initiative, the EU supports the reduction of roaming tariffs, the development of high-speed broadband to boost economies and expand e-services, coordinated cyber security and the harmonisation of digital frameworks across society, in areas ranging from logistics to health, enhanced skills and the creation of jobs in the digital industry.
Obiectivul specific
The overall objective of the Facility is to eliminate existing obstacles and barriers for pan-European online services for citizens, public administrations and businesses, including through the harmonisation of the digital environments among the EaP partner countries and with the EU.
Rezultatele așteptate
The Facility focuses its support across six key policy areas:
- Telecom rules: supporting efforts to achieve a common roaming space among EaP countries, strengthen the independence of National Regulatory Authorities, and develop coordinated strategies for frequency distribution.
- Trust & Security: supporting the development of trust services in the digital economy, and cyber-security for critical infrastructure, as essential building blocks for interoperable cross-border eServices in the region.
- eTrade: supporting trade facilitation among Eastern Partner countries and with the EU, by promoting common frameworks for eCommerce, eCustoms and eLogistics, and working towards Digital Transport Corridors.
- ICT innovation: supporting actions to favour the development of ICT research, start-ups & innovation ecosystems across the region, drawing from EU experience and best practice.
- eHealth: supporting harmonised national frameworks for eHealth, both among partner countries and with the EU.
- eSkills: supporting digital skills strategies, national coalitions for digital jobs and a competence framework for SMEs.
Documente de proiect
Harta proiectului
Galerie video
Domeniu prioritar:
Partnership that creates, Partnership that creates, Partnership that connects
Economy & trade, Employment and entrepreneurship, Digital (broadband, mobile, eGov, digital innovation, cyber)
Digital, Business, Jobs
Țările PaE:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Starea proiectului:
Data începerii:
Data de încheiere:
Numărul proiectului UE:

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