World Animal Day: YEAs in Azerbaijan to hold workshop with psychologist – register by 12 October
October 11, 2023

World Animal Day: YEAs in Azerbaijan to hold workshop with psychologist – register by 12 October

On 14 October, the Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) initiative in Azerbaijan will organise a seminar titled ‘Pet with love’. 

The workshop is organised around World Animal Day, which celebrates animal rights and welfare on 4 October every year and highlights initiatives for their protection.

The event, funded by the European Union, aims to raise awareness of how young people can build a more responsible and compassionate society towards our four-legged friends.

The seminar will be facilitated by a professional psychologist, who will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding about animal abuse and animal rights as well as the benefits of adopting pets. 

The seminar will be held on 14 October 2023, at 12 pm. If you are interested, please register via the link. Registration deadline is 12 October, 6 pm. The information about the venue will be announced later to the participants. 

The Young European Ambassadors initiative is a non-political, voluntary communication network connecting young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the EU Member States and the United Kingdom. The aim of the network is to raise awareness about the EU’s cooperation with its Eastern partner countries, showcase the tangible results of this cooperation, contribute to policy dialogue on various topics, help increase civic activism and work together for a better future.


October 12, 2023



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