New European Bauhaus: call for projects to help rebuild Ukraine 
EU Civil Protection Mechanism
April 19, 2023

New European Bauhaus: call for projects to help rebuild Ukraine 

The European Commission is calling for proposals for two projects for the reconstruction of Ukraine, aiming to support cities in identifying and implementing a holistic, sustainable city planning approach. This approach includes innovative, effective solutions and support for the rapid reconstruction of destroyed or damaged infrastructures and facilities.

The projects will become part of the ‘Phoenix’ initiative that focuses on developing and putting at the disposal of Ukrainian cities cutting-edge expertise from the EU’s New European Bauhaus (NEB) programme. They will be financed by the LIFE Programme, which is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action.

Through both projects, the European Commission will finance sustainable and circular (re)construction, including waste management, the reuse of debris resulting from damages and destruction, and the management of hazardous waste. The EU will also cover water treatment, including decontamination. 

The deadline for applications is 7 September.

Find out more

Press release

LIFE calls for proposals for Ukrainian city reconstruction


September 7, 2023



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