EU4Independent Media: e-course ‘Reporting war’
May 26, 2023

EU4Independent Media: e-course ‘Reporting war’

The War reporting course covers the ethical considerations of war reporting and aims to maximise the quality of reporting, while minimising the risk of doing harm to others and journalists themselves. It is designed to be self-paced, so you can take it whenever it suits you.

The course have been developed by Chris Booth, former BBC Moscow and BBC Baghdad Bureau chief, within the EU-funded EU4Independent Media project.

The project EU4IndependentMedia aims to foster resilience and financial sustainability of the independent media sector in Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine). 

The online resources developed by the project help media organisations to enhance management and editorial skills and to support journalists working in politically and economically challenging environments, with a special focus on reporters covering the war in Ukraine.

To take the course


December 31, 2024



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