Colours of Europe: female artists and photographers invited to showcase their work in Azerbaijan
December 8, 2023

Colours of Europe: female artists and photographers invited to showcase their work in Azerbaijan

On 19 December, the Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) with the support of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan will hold an exhibition of works by women artists.

On this occasion, the European Union Delegation to Azerbaijan and the YEAs invite Azerbaijani women artists and photographers over the age of 16 living in any part of the country, as well as women with interest and enthusiasm in this field, to present their creative works/photographs at the exhibition ‘Colours of Europe’.

The exhibition will take place as part of the FantazEU Cultural Heritage Festival, which will take place in NUR Art House, in Baku. 

The event will be an opportunity to discover the talent of young Azerbaijani women, to contribute to the promotion of European cultural heritage in Azerbaijan, and to learn more about the strong partnership between the EU and Azerbaijan.

To take part in the exhibition, you need to register before 14 December, upload a photo of your artwork, and give your consent for your artwork to be showcased at the exhibition.

It is preferred that the work reflects the theme of Europe or the values of the European Union as a whole. The selected artworks will be displayed during the festival, offering a visual journey through the Colours of Europe.

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December 14, 2023



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