Socio-demographic portrait of a civil servant in Belarus
October 5, 2023

Socio-demographic portrait of a civil servant in Belarus

This publication prepared by SYMPA/BIPART experts examines how the socio-demographic characteristics of civil servants have changed in recent years. The main source of information for the study was the statistical data published by the National Statistical Committee every two years. The latest available data gives an idea of the composition of civil servants in 2019; to assess changes, each indicator is compared with previous years – 2017 and especially 2015, after which the number of civil servants decreased significantly.

There is a gender imbalance among civil servants: men, despite their small number, occupy managerial positions more often and have longer service years. In particular, there are only a few women among high-ranking managers, and the heads of executive committees are completely dominated by men. For most women, the “glass ceiling” is the position of deputy head of the organization. During the period of the largest reduction in the number of civil servants from 2015 to 2017, women were fired more often, especially those of older age (first of all, retirement age) and those with a low level of qualification (specialists and leading specialists). 



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