In brief: the working group on the gender dimension
October 11, 2023

In brief: the working group on the gender dimension

The Task Force for Gender Equality (GTF) is a network of actors working to integrate the gender dimension in the Republic of Moldova’s response to the refugee crisis, with the aim of ensuring that all people in Moldova affected by the refugee crisis in Ukraine have fair access to specific and quality humanitarian assistance and can significantly participate in a fair, effective and efficient response.

The GTF is mandated by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and UNHCR, as part of the refugee coordination structure within the Refugee Coordination Model, which establishes the general framework for humanitarian coordination. The working group is co-chaired by UN Women and the Platform for Gender Equality. Currently, GTF has approximately 100 members, including representatives of central and local public authorities, UN agencies, INGOs, local women’s organizations, local organizations, as well as refugees.

In Brief: The Working Group on the Gender Dimension, UNWomen, 2023


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