Evaluation report of the ‘Women in business’ programme
October 11, 2023

Evaluation report of the ‘Women in business’ programme

Female entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova is expanding slowly. In 2017, approximately 33.9% of businesses were owned or managed by women, a share of 6.4 p.p. higher than in 2009. Despite this, women continue to be in the minority in business, if there is the larger community of part of the country’s population.

The evaluation report “Women in Business” emphasizes the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in the Republic of Moldova and the importance of integrated support, both financial and non-financial, within the business environment.

The evaluation covers the entire implementation period of the “Women in Business” Programme (years 2016-2022) and is carried out based on the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria – relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, impact and sustainability.

Eugenia Ganea. Evaluation report of the ‘Women in Business’ programme, 2016-2022. UNWomen, Chișinău, 2023.


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