CSO METER: Assessing the civil society environment in the Eastern Partnership countries: Moldova 2019
December 6, 2019

CSO METER: Assessing the civil society environment in the Eastern Partnership countries: Moldova 2019

This report presents the findings of research conducted under the CSO Meter to assess the enabling environment for CSOs in Moldova. The CSO Meter is a tool developed to assess the civil society environment in Eastern Partnership countries, and consists of a set of standards and indicators in 10 different areas that measure both law and practice.

The CSO Meter was developed within the framework of the “Monitoring Progress, Empowering Action” project funded by the European Union and implemented by the European Center for Not-for-Profit Law and a group of non-governmental organisations from the Eastern Partnership countries. 

The research methods include analysis of legal acts, available researches and other documents and materials, focus group discussions (FGDs) with participation of CSOs, expert interviews and CSO online survey.

CSO Meter Moldova page



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