Country Gender Profile Azerbaijan
August 31, 2021

Country Gender Profile Azerbaijan

This Country Gender Profile (CGP) analyses the current situation of gender equality in Azerbaijan. It sheds light on gender equality-related issues and gaps in the country, their impact on society, social norms and stereotypes, and areas where gender mainstreaming is lacking. Above all, it offers data and guidance which can be used to mainstream a gender perspective into policies, programmes and projects in the country. The profile’s main purpose is to provide the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan with comprehensive information and recommendations to guide decision-making and the development of the Country Level Implementation Plan (CLIP), in line with the European Union’s Gender Action Plan III 2021–2025 (GAP III).

This document was produced in the framework of the EU4 Gender Equality Reform Helpdesk project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Niras.

EU4Gender Equality Reform Helpdesk

August 2021



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