Young European Ambassadors join Europe Day celebrations in Brussels
May 5, 2023

Young European Ambassadors join Europe Day celebrations in Brussels

This Saturday, 6 May, the European institutions open their doors for all visitors to celebrate Europe Day. Europe Day marks the anniversary of an important EU milestone: the Schuman declaration of 9 May 1950.

​​On this day, French Foreign Minister and future European Parliament President Robert Schuman announced the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community. This initiative laid the foundations for lasting peace, and, bringing the model of international collaboration at its heart, proved to be the first step on the path to today’s European Union.

The Europe Days in Brussels are organised annually to celebrate peace and unity throughout Europe. In 2023, the Europe Day will host various events and spaces to inform and raise awareness among the wider public on what the EU is doing in various areas, as well as the  demonstrated values for which the EU stands. 

This year, from 4 to 6 May, 14 Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) are taking part in the celebrations and activities in Brussels to gain a deeper understanding of the EU and the work of the European Commission, and to deepen ties with other YEAs and youth from the Western Balkans and Southern Neighbourhood countries. They are visiting EU institutions, meeting EU officials and sharing their experiences on social media and blog posts.

One of the important themes of this year’s activities is lifelong learning and gaining new skills. This year, designated as the European Year of Skills, the EU, through its programmes and initiatives around the world, promotes the acquisition of modern skills that are in demand in the labour market and contribute to economic recovery and the green and digital transition.Opportunities for skills development available in the Eastern Partnership countries thanks to EU funding can be found in our country specific explainers on the EUNeighbours East website.


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