Ukraine: UNDP opens EU-funded Recovery and Development Office in Voznesensk
January 12, 2024

Ukraine: UNDP opens EU-funded Recovery and Development Office in Voznesensk

On 11 January, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in partnership with the European Union, Denmark and Sweden, opened a Recovery and Development Office in the war-torn community of Voznesensk in Mykolaiv Oblast. 

The office will play a key role in a nationwide initiative led by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities under the President of Ukraine to coordinate international cooperation at the local level.

“Active military hostilities resulted in the destruction in Voznesensk of more than 700 residential buildings, health care and educational facilities, and crucial transport infrastructure, such as a road bridge and two railway bridges,” says a press release by UNDP Ukraine. “Currently, the community hosts 37,400 residents, including 3,700 internally displaced people.”

The newly established Recovery and Development Office, which features advanced facilities and expert advisors, will provide support for the community’s recovery and development. As a communications hub, it will bring together local authorities, international organisations, media, civil society, and the business sector.

To date, UNDP, with EU support, has helped to open ten recovery and development offices, four of which operate at the oblast level in Kharkiv and Mykolaiv, and two in Dnipro (supporting Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts). At the community level, six additional offices have been set up in Sumy, Nizhyn (Chernihiv Oblast), Mykolaiv, Pervomaiskiy (Kharkiv Oblast), Kamianske (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast), and Voznesensk (Mykolaiv Oblast). 

Find out more

Press release


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