Ukraine: restored bomb shelter in Zaporizhzhya opens with EU and UNDP support
October 5, 2023

Ukraine: restored bomb shelter in Zaporizhzhya opens with EU and UNDP support

In the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhya, with support from the EU and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the local administration has renovated a bomb shelter at the ‘Oriyentyr’ special boarding school. 

It is now ready to ensure the safety of 180 students during air raids. 

The 172.5 square metre space was renovated and refurbished at a cost of $120,900.

Extensive work was carried out in the shelter to modernise the heating, electricity and water supply systems. In addition, a modern ventilation system was installed in the shelter, a kitchenette was equipped, and areas for medical care and children were allocated. 

To make the shelter more accessible, a tracked stair lift for people in wheelchairs was installed, as well as tactile navigation using Braille signs.

Stefan Schleuning, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Ukraine, said that the restoration of the bomb shelter at ‘Oriyentyr’ School is “yet another testament to the EU’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of students, particularly in a city under constant Russian missile attacks”

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