Ukraine: EUAM and Austria launch joint anti-corruption project
December 18, 2023

Ukraine: EUAM and Austria launch joint anti-corruption project

On 15 December, in Kyiv, the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine and the Republic of Austria signed an agreement of cooperation on an anti-corruption project. 

Austria will allocate €135,000 funding for the project for ‘Support in strengthening investigative and analytical expertise at the National Police of Ukraine (NPU), the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) and the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine (ESBU)’, managed by the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine.

The project aims to help Ukrainian Law enforcement agencies to improve their capacities in the investigation of corruption cases and financial and economic crimes.

“This project is of particular importance as it provides for the integration of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies in the wider EU police network, while building capacities in the common fight against organised crime,” said the Head of EUAM Ukraine, Rolf Holmboe.

The Austrian-funded initiative includes the purchase of equipment, software and consulting services for competent investigative and analytical departments in Ukraine.

It will also support training events organised by EUAM Ukraine on financial investigations, internal and external supervision.

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