Ukraine: EU helps develop online guide on legal support for volunteering and charity
July 19, 2023

Ukraine: EU helps develop online guide on legal support for volunteering and charity

With the support of the European Union and the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine, the ‘Youth Centre Chernivtsi’ NGO has developed an online guide on legal support for volunteering and charitable activities. 

The guide will be useful for local organisations, initiatives, and activists.

It includes information on how to raise funds for military requests and how to clear goods through customs, how to record and report on humanitarian aid, and take action if you suspect that humanitarian aid is being sold.The guide will also advise how to organise charity events, register in the register of volunteers, and sign an agreement with volunteers.

The online guide is available on the portal:

The EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) is the leading anti-corruption support programme in Ukraine funded by the EU, co-funded and implemented by the Danish Foreign Ministry.

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