Ukraine: EU and UNDP hand over ten social services vehicles to communities in Poltava, Sumy and Mykolaiv oblasts
October 19, 2023

Ukraine: EU and UNDP hand over ten social services vehicles to communities in Poltava, Sumy and Mykolaiv oblasts

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, with financial support from the European Union, has handed over ten specially-equipped vehicles to communities in Poltava, Sumy and Mykolaiv oblasts.

The Mobile Social Services vehicles have special equipment to provide social services to people with limited mobility and residents of remote areas. 

“This vehicle is both a means of quick access for service users and a mobile office equipped with tools to provide a wide range of services: including medical care, psychological counseling and support with performing household duties, among others,” UNDP Ukraine said in a press release.

The vehicles were procured and equipped by UNDP in Ukraine as part of the ‘EU4Recovery – Empowering Communities in Ukraine’ (EU4Recovery) project, funded by the European Union.

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Press release


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