Solidarity Lanes: study on EU rail connections with Ukraine and Moldova suggests deploying European track gauge on key lines
July 13, 2023

Solidarity Lanes: study on EU rail connections with Ukraine and Moldova suggests deploying European track gauge on key lines

On 11 July, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank published a study suggesting that the European track gauge on lines to Lviv and Chiṣinău should be deployed as a first step to improving connections between Poland and Ukraine, and between Romania and Moldova.

The study is part of the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes action plan created to strengthen the cross-border connections and secure flow of goods despite the Russian war against Ukraine.

Taking into account remaining barriers, likely costs, expected demand and line capacity considerations, the study suggests to establish a European track gauge connection from Krakow/Katowice (Poland) to Lviv (Ukraine), and from Iasi (Romania) to Chisinău (Moldova) as a first step. Further extensions are also suggested. 

The study also assesses the way in which the new standard gauge lines in Ukraine and Moldova would work with the network elsewhere in these countries, which will continue to use a broad gauge.

“By building the first EU rail gauge in Ukraine and Moldova, linking their railways with Poland and Romania, will bring them closer to the EU Single Market,” said Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport. “With this study, we are setting the scene for long-term solutions, supporting Ukraine in its post-war trade and reconstruction. Ensuring interoperability from Poland through Ukraine, Moldova and Romania will also mean a smoother, more efficient travel experience for citizens.”

The Connecting Europe Facility II has recently selected nine projects for funding that will aim at improving crossing points. The Commission has also proposed to extend the Trans European Network–Transport to Ukraine and Moldova.

The study is available here

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