Romanian language courses for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, with EU support
May 4, 2023

Romanian language courses for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, with EU support

By the end of this year, about 80 Ukrainian refugees in Moldova will be able to take Romanian language courses at the Alecu Russo State University of Bălți and the State University of Comrat.

The courses are organised with the support of the European Union ‘Mayors for Economic Growth’ initiative, implemented by the UNDP. 

The training programme lasts for three months and classes are held three times a week. The courses are tailored to the needs and knowledge of the participants, and are taught interactively using audio and video materials. 

In Bălți, the courses are conducted face to face and online and are attended mainly by refugees from Ukraine who are learning Romanian from scratch. In Comrat, the training takes place online and is attended by refugees who have settled in different regions of the country. 

“Most of those who participate in this training programme have a job in the Republic of Moldova. They learn Romanian to be able to communicate with people from host communities, to interact with colleagues,” says Natalia Topal, acting director of the Continuous Training Centre from Comrat.

The institution will soon launch the second cohort of the Romanian course, with 17 more men and women to benefit from this opportunity. 

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Press release


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