One million LED bulbs exchanged by legal entities under EU-Ukrainian government programme
October 16, 2023

One million LED bulbs exchanged by legal entities under EU-Ukrainian government programme

Legal entities in Ukraine have so far received one million LED bulbs in exchange for old incandescent light bulbs, as part of the EU-funded Ukraine national programme.

The programme was launched this January to strengthen Ukraine’s energy security by replacing 50 million energy-intensive old bulbs with modern LEDs, and since then more than 4 million Ukrainians have received more than 20 million LED bulbs. 

At first the programme was open only to individuals, but since June this year it has been gradually extended to legal entities as well.

Katarína Mathernová, European Union Ambassador to Ukraine, said: “The European Union is making every effort to help Ukraine overcome the energy challenges of the upcoming winter. Last winter, Russian shelling damaged the energy system, therefore every kilowatt saved by Ukrainians using LED bulbs and mindfully consuming energy is a contribution to the country’s resilience.”

According to experts, the switch to modern light bulbs will reduce peak power consumption by 7-10%. This will help to significantly reduce power shortages in the system.

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Press release


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