New WHO and EU platform: all your questions about COVID-19 vaccines answered in Georgian, Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian
January 26, 2023

New WHO and EU platform: all your questions about COVID-19 vaccines answered in Georgian, Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian

The World Health Organization and Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, with EU funding, have created a new platform on vaccines against COVID-19.

The website includes a set of videos and podcasts answering 135 questions related to vaccination issues. 

The platform is aimed at health professionals and the wider audience who are interested in questions about vaccines.

Information is available in English, Georgian, Ukrainian, Romanian, and Russian.

Podcasts are also available on Soundcloud, Spotify, and Apple podcast. 

The questions and answers are also collected together in a PDF format so you can print or read them offline from any device. 

You can also sign up to be quickly informed of new additions to the platform.

Find out more

Platform ‘COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination explained’


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