Moldova: six individuals and one entity listed for undermining the rule of law, stability and security in the country
February 23, 2024

Moldova: six individuals and one entity listed for undermining the rule of law, stability and security in the country

On 22 February, the Council of the European Union imposed restrictive measures against six individuals and one entity responsible for actions aimed at destabilising, undermining and threatening the sovereignty and independence of the Republic of Moldova. 

The Council has sanctioned the paramilitary organisation “Scutul Poporului’, and its leader Chiril Gusun, for making repeated attempts to undermine Moldova’s democratic government through inciting riots and violent demonstrations.

The other sanctioned individuals include Dmitry Milyutin, the Deputy Head of the Russian Federal Security Service Department of Operational Intelligence responsible for Russia’s covert operations in the Republic of Moldova, notably in the Transnistrian region since 2016. 

Furthermore, the Council is sanctioning executives of media trusts owning several media channels in the country that frequently promote messages aimed at obstructing and undermining the democratic political process. 

The list also includes other individuals engaged in the dissemination of disinformation and inciting violence and fear or those linked to the “Bank Fraud” case.

All those listed are subject to an asset freeze. EU citizens and companies are forbidden from providing them with funds. Additionally, the six individuals are subject to a travel ban, which prohibits them from entering and transiting through EU territories.

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