Moldova: join Europe Day celebrations this Saturday in Chișinău
May 10, 2023

Moldova: join Europe Day celebrations this Saturday in Chișinău

This Saturday, 13 May, Chișinău will host a key event in the ‘Days of Europe’ series of activities taking place in Moldova this month.

The European Village in Chișinău, located at the National Assembly Square, will start with an interactive fair. Quizzes, workshops, and games organised by EU-funded projects in Moldova, as well as a music and dance show await guests. Young people will be able to participate in activities related to the European Year of Skills. A special corner will be set aside for children, where interactive and educational activities will take place throughout the day.

In the evening, there will be a musical performance for the elderly, a concert with Moldovan bands, including the it-rock band Zdob și Zub, and the broadcasting of the Eurovision 2023 final. 

The full programme of events on that day and the other days in May can be found here.

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Press release


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