Moldova: four blocks of flats in Chisinau will pay up to 30% less for heating, thanks to EU support 
December 12, 2023

Moldova: four blocks of flats in Chisinau will pay up to 30% less for heating, thanks to EU support 

A total of 445 families in four blocks of flats in Chișinău, the capital of Moldova, will pay up to 30% less for heating, after changing the heating distribution system to a more energy efficient one. 

The newly installed Individual Thermal Points (ITP) allow the transfer of thermal energy from the city’s centralised system to the building’s internal system with minimal heat loss. Thanks to these modifications, the heating will be delivered to all apartments, allowing it to be adjusted individually and properly metered in each flat. 

The works of over €1 million were financed by the European Union (EU) as part of a larger action on ‘Addressing the impacts of the energy crisis’, implemented by UNDP Moldova. The blocks of flats were selected through an open competition and households contributed 20% of the investment value. 

Within the project, a total of 25 blocks will be checked by the Agency for Energy Efficiency to identify the energy efficiency measures to be implemented.

One of the beneficiary blocks is located on Bulgară street, Chișinău. Since its construction in 1956, tenants of the 56 apartments heated their homes with firewood, until 1975, when the building was connected to the centralised municipal vertical heating system. After almost 50 years in operation, the centralised distribution system was no longer efficient, and bills doubled during the recent energy crisis.

“Even some of the households who used to heat themselves with autonomous gas plants switched back to the centralised system. Now all the residents have hot water, which was missing for 30 years,” says the administrator of the block, Ludmila Rotaru.

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Press release


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