Moldova: Day centre for children with intellectual disabilities inaugurated in Balti with EU support
January 10, 2024

Moldova: Day centre for children with intellectual disabilities inaugurated in Balti with EU support

At least 60 children with intellectual disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders, from the municipality of Balti and other localities in the north of the country can now receive therapy at the renovated day care centre in Balti.

The centre, opened last December, is run by the ‘Autism Hope’ Public Association with the financial support of the European Union as part of the ‘Civil Society Organisations Acting for Better Social Services’ project, co-financed and implemented by the Soros Foundation Moldova.

The renovated centre has rooms for group and individual sessions, including a room for ABA therapy, i.e. applied behaviour analysis therapy, which aims to understand and improve human behaviour and is commonly used for children with autism. 

The centre also has a relaxation room and a sensory room equipped with different types of stimuli and specialised equipment to rehabilitate children with developmental and behavioural disorders. Sensory integration therapy corrects, improves and compensates for sensory integration disorders in children. 

The centre will be open during daytime hours and offer classes for both children and their parents.

This social service is one of the 40 services created within the ‘Civil Society Organisations Acting for Better Social Services’ project, financed by the European Union, and co-financed and implemented by the Soros Foundation Moldova in partnership with the Keystone Moldova Association and the Institutum Virtutes Civilis PA.

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