Magic World of Mediation: online quest for children launched in Ukraine with EU support
October 11, 2023

Magic World of Mediation: online quest for children launched in Ukraine with EU support

With EU support, the Ukrainian Academy of Mediation has developed an online quest, the ‘Magic World of Mediation’, to develop communication skills for Ukrainian children.

The quest aims to develop children’s communication skills, inform them about environmentally-friendly ways to resolve conflicts, and provide interesting and useful information about conflicts and mediation.

The game is designed for children aged 6 and older. It is also a great opportunity for parents to explore the magical world of mediation with their children.

The game-quest is played using a chatbot on Telegram. The player can play the game at any time convenient, take breaks and continue from where he or she left off. 

The main part of the quest consists of questions. Points are awarded for each correct answer. 

Within three months, the winners with the maximum number of points will receive prizes.

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Press release


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