International Mother Earth Day: Young European Ambassadors plant trees and promote EU in Armenia
April 23, 2024

International Mother Earth Day: Young European Ambassadors plant trees and promote EU in Armenia

As part of International Mother Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April, YEAs in Armenia planted 20 trees in the Aparan community of Aragatsotn region of Armenia. 

The aim of the tree planting event was to create green spaces, increase biodiversity, promote the environmental education of young people and promote their involvement in community life.

In addition to the tree planting activity, YEAs conducted an environmental workshop for around 30 teenagers, talking about existing environmental problems, initiatives and opportunities provided by the EU.

One of the participants said the event provided an opportunity to take a fresh look at the environment surrounding the community and to realise the importance of caring for it: “Through initiatives like this, we not only contribute to the well-being of our community, but also learn about the values of the EU and the opportunities it offers.”

The Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) initiative brings together socially engaged youth from the six Eastern partner countries, the European Union and the United Kingdom to foster dialogue and to raise awareness about the EU and its cooperation with its Eastern partner countries.

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