Feel the PAWer of Love: EU-supported pet festival takes place in Georgian town of Zugdidi
July 21, 2023

Feel the PAWer of Love: EU-supported pet festival takes place in Georgian town of Zugdidi

On 20 July, the town of Zugdidi hosted a festival #FeelThePAWerOfLove that united pet lovers, local civil society organisations, volunteers, and Zugdidi residents.

The festival was supported by the European Union and UNDP as part of their joint EU4Dialogue programme that supports initiatives fostering an environment for dialogue and people-to-people contact in the respective Eastern Partnership countries. 

Festival participants led a discussion on responsible pet ownership, emphasising the importance of adopting pets from shelters or from the streets, giving them a second chance. They also emphasised the importance of regular veterinary care, neutering and vaccination to ensure the well-being of pets.

The event also shed light on the challenges faced by communities living along administrative boundaries. The economic and social problems of people affected by the conflict are exacerbated by the growing population of stray animals.

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Press release


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