Family Festival in Cahul and Ungheni to promote inclusion of children with disabilities in society
October 11, 2023

Family Festival in Cahul and Ungheni to promote inclusion of children with disabilities in society

On 10 October, Cahul in Moldova hosted the ‘Family Festival ’, organised with the financial support of the European Union. 

The event aimed to promote an active lifestyle and the involvement of children with disabilities and special needs in society.

Children took part in five sports competitions, including handball, football and a relay race. The participants were led by two UEFA-licensed coaches and gym teachers who had previously been trained in workshops on integrating children with disabilities and special needs into the school community. 

A similar event will be held on 12 October in Ungheni. 

The festival is organised within the ‘EU4Moldova: Focal regions’ programme, funded by the EU and implemented by UNICEF and UNDP.

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Press release


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