European Endowment for Democracy approves emergency support for media workers from Nagorno-Karabakh
October 26, 2023

European Endowment for Democracy approves emergency support for media workers from Nagorno-Karabakh

The EU-supported European Endowment for Democracy has approved emergency support to the Media Initiatives Center and Public Journalism Club (PJC) in Armenia to support media workers from Nagorno-Karabakh who were among those to suffer displacement in early October. 

Around 100 beneficiaries will receive one-off emergency support to help them stabilise their situations and continue their work as professionals during this period of instability, and in certain cases support will be provided to replace lost equipment.

In the longer term, and in coordination with other donors, the grant will lay the groundwork for the integration of Nagorno-Karabakh’s media community in Armenia through building a comprehensive strategy based on a needs assessment as well as creating links with other media outlets that may offer longer-term opportunities for employment.

The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) was established in 2013 by the European Union (EU) and EU member states as an autonomous International Trust Fund to foster democracy in the European Neighbourhood, including the Eastern Partnership. The EED supports civil society organisations, pro-democracy movements, civic and political activists, and independent media platforms and journalists working towards a pluralistic, democratic political system.

Find out more

Press release

European Endowment For Democracy

Media Initiatives Center

Public Journalism Club (PJC) Հանրային լրագրության ակումբ (ՀԼԱ)


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