Eurobarometer: Europeans still approve measures taken to support Ukraine and Ukrainians
September 11, 2023

Eurobarometer: Europeans still approve measures taken to support Ukraine and Ukrainians

The Flash Eurobarometer survey published today confirms a large consensus among EU citizens in favour of the EU’s actions taken in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

According to the survey, 86% approve of the EU continuing to provide humanitarian support to the people affected by the war, 77% accept welcoming in the EU people fleeing the war, and 71% back imposing economic sanctions against Russia. 

Around two-thirds of Europeans think that the EU should support Ukraine’s path towards European integration and its integration into the single market – respectively 67% and 65%. Finally, 65% are in favour of supporting Ukraine financially and economically and 57% think that the EU should support the purchase and supply of military equipment and training to Ukraine.

The Flash Eurobarometer survey on EU challenges and priorities in 2023 was conducted by the European Commission in the 27 Member States between 24 and 31 August 2023. A total of 26,514 EU citizens have been interviewed online.

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