EU4Dialogue: Ukrainian NGO provides essential equipment for 11 communities
September 19, 2023

EU4Dialogue: Ukrainian NGO provides essential equipment for 11 communities

The ‘Kyiv Institute for Strategic Analysis and Reforms’, a Ukrainian NGO, is giving emergency assistance to eleven communities in frontline areas of Ukraine by providing them with the most necessary equipment in case of power outages. 

The communities received electric blankets, solar-powered portable lanterns, large thermoses for food storage, and wood splitters and chainsaws for firewood.

For example, equipment was provided to a shelter for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Shyroke, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. In case of power outages, IDPs can procure firewood and keep the premises warm.

In total, the NGO received 48 applications to provide IDP shelters with the necessary equipment.

This initiative, made possible by the EU and UNDP through the EU4Dialogue programme, highlights the NGO’s contribution to supporting frontline communities and improving local infrastructure for IDPs and other vulnerable social groups.

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Press release


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